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Critical Thinking and Pain Management

Managing and otherwise minimising pain and suffering of patients is a core responsibility of providing nursing care. Minimising pain makes life significantly more comfortable for the patient, and allows them to recover faster, and with a positive experience. Unfortunately, this isn’t always the case, and when nurses fail to read the signs of pain and do not provide remedial action, the patients are the ones that suffer greatly. The complexity of a patients condition and comorbidities can obscure significant problems in the…

You Only Get One Chance

We only get one chance to set our standard of care I remember when I was just a beginning student nurse, the facility manager for my first placement sat down with me and the other 3 students on placement with me and introduced us to not only the facility, but also how aged care works, and how to be a good nurse in general. One of the most important things he said has stuck with me ever since that day, and it pops into my head every time I encounter questionable practices in my nursing work. He said that we only get…

How I applied for Nursing School, and Why

The decision to apply for nursing school has been floating around in my head now for a few years. It was certainly a tough decision to make. With a reasonably successful career already well under way as a Visual Effects Artist and Animator I struggled to find the courage to take the plunge. I guess its mostly because I’ve invested so much time and money into my current career, from starting and maintaining a fledgling studio, through to completing 2 courses in both Film & television, and 3D animation, putting myself tens…

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