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Common Medication Terms for Nurses

As the population ages, chronic diseases become more prevalent and doctors will usually prescribe medications to improve the quality of life for the patient. Medications have now become an essential component of modern healthcare, and nursing practice. While the nurse rarely prescribes medications, they spend a considerable amount of time administering them to their patients. I've compiled this list of common medications terms nurses may encounter during their practice. Remember, it is always important to understand the…

Holistic Nursing Care

Over the last decade or so, health care has shifted focus from treatment of symptoms and disease processes, to more emphasis on prevention of disease, such as living an active lifestyle and exercising regularly. Healthy diet and personal habits have also seen an increased emphasis in recent health promotion campaigns. Through these new approaches modern medicine has slowly moved away from the biomedical model as its sole foundation, and has moved towards a more holistic approach to healthcare, while using the solid…

An Introduction to Nursing

Nursing is a broad profession within the healthcare system, which deals with the caring and support of sick is injured people, promoting recovery and wellbeing. Nursing is often what we envision when we think about hospitals and healthcare in general. The caring nurse with her gentle touch and soft voice is what we all think would best aid in our recovery, and indeed this has been shown to be the case on many occasions. Nurses focus not only on supporting individuals in need, but rather focus their skills…

The First Nursing Exam

I’m sure many of you know the feeling, you cram in any study you can into any spare second of the day, cramming as much as you can. You stay up late studying, getting as little sleep every night as you dare to get away with. You rock up at Uni on the day feeling confident, tired, but confident nonetheless. You get in there and you’re pumped! You totally got this. You’ve studied everything you could get your hands on. This is it… exam time, you psych yourself up. You get the exam paper, it's a little thicker than you…

How I applied for Nursing School, and Why

The decision to apply for nursing school has been floating around in my head now for a few years. It was certainly a tough decision to make. With a reasonably successful career already well under way as a Visual Effects Artist and Animator I struggled to find the courage to take the plunge. I guess its mostly because I’ve invested so much time and money into my current career, from starting and maintaining a fledgling studio, through to completing 2 courses in both Film & television, and 3D animation, putting myself tens…

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