
The Nurses Post started out in 2014 as a simple blog to chronicle my experiences as a student nurse (Check out my first post here), and share my successes and failures along the way with anyone who could bear to read about it.

Over time I grew the blog and began writing about other aspects of nursing as my knowledge increased. I became very keen on understanding the anatomy and physiology of the human body, and began writing articles to my blog to share my knowledge. Eventually, these articles began to take on traction with other student nurses, and I continued to write about what I knew.

Before I knew it, I was reviewing journal articles, conducting my own research and just generally acquiring as much information as I could about nursing, microbiology, medical science, anatomy and physiology, and then sharing what I had learned ith the rest of the world.

Before I knew it, The Nurses Post had become an online repository of sorts for other nurses and student nurses to find information and keep up to date with the latest research and nursing policies.

In the future, I hope to continue growing The Nurses Post and continue writing and conducting research as my career evolves.

The world is put back by the death of every one who has to sacrifice the development of his or her peculiar gifts to conventionality. – Florence Nightingale


Get to Know me

Hi there! My name is Daral Chapman, and I do a lot these days. Aside from writing for The Nurses Post, I’m a student RN studying at Griffith Universty on the Gold Coast, Australia. I’ve been a nurse for 3 years now, and I’m currently studying my Bachelor of Nursing and Biomedical Science. I have a keen interest in microbiology and infection control in the hospital environment.

I started out as an animator, filmmaker, and software developer. But of course, my true passion is to help those in need and so I decided after a strong, but brief career in the film industry, I decided to go back to Uni and become a nurse! You can read all about that decision here. I spend most of my spare time committing to my mission to help others by volunteering for community organisations, such as the State Emergency Service, and as a First Responder for the Queensland Ambulance Service.

If you’re interested in getting in touch with me for any reason, contact me here.

If you’re too shy to get in touch with me directly, check out my list of frequently asked questions and of course, their answers here.

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